Tuesday 4 September 2012

Help for Asha

Asha is a 10 week old whippet pup who has come into our care following a phone call from one of our vets where he was booked in to be put to sleep.

He was born with hydrocephalus or fluid on the brain which means that he has limited vision - at first we thought that he was completely blind but the video below shows that he does have some sight - his head is mis-shapen where the fluid is creating pressure and he is likely to have some brain damage.

Some people would say that he would be better off put to sleep as he faces an uncertain future but we have learnt from Anya that dogs with hydrocephalus can go on to live a full and happy life and we believe he, the same as all our dogs, deserves the very best chance we can give him.

The next step is for Asha to see a Neurologist and have an MRI scan at Langford. After that we will know more about his options for treatment, if any, and what the future will hold for him.

The cost for the scan alone is £1400 and on top of that will be the consultation, feedback report plus any treatment.

You can donate simply and safely on line here http://www.justgiving.com/fourpawsanimalrescue or we can accept direct bank transfers - please just ask for details.

If you can help us towards the cost of Asha's treatment we would appreciate it. Please give generously, this little boy deserves all the help we can give him.

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