Monday 22 October 2012

Can you?

Do you love dogs and cats? Are you sad you can’t foster?   Do you feel helpless and wish there was a way you could help? Well there are LOADS of ways you can help every one of them as important as fostering, probably in lot’s of respects MORE important.

Home checking
We desperately need more home checkers in more areas. This is the most important part of our process the report and detail a home checker can give  is essential for the trustees to be happy that the home the dog is going to is the right forever home. We sometimes struggle to get homes checked quickly enough because there aren’t many people available to check. It’s honestly easy to go and talk to someone who really wants to share their home with a four paws dog, and most of the time it’s like having a really pleasant hour with a new friend.  We really need your help to get our dogs the sofa they deserve!

Meet and Greets
These are an essential part of getting our information out to people who have never heard of us. We are looking to increase the number of venues we attend, but desperately need people to volunteer and lead the events. We are looking at two-hour quick sharp events that don’t tie up too much of people’s precious time. Specialist skills required, just holding a tin and handing out leaflets, fosterers will come along and provide the dogs for people to see and hopefully apply to re-home.

Paws for Tea
Another essential fundraising activity these are held monthly in a variety of venues. They normally last about  two and a half hours and if you can come along buy a raffle ticket and a cake that’s good, but even better if you can man a stall, or bake or help with the setting up and pulling down, or perhaps you have a craft you enjoy that you would like a stall for and could share your profit with us, we would love to hear from you. We are trying to think of new ways to keep the P4T events fresh and exciting so if you have an idea no matter how far out and think you know how it could be achieved please Four Paws needs you!

We go to loads of shows over the year to increase awareness and provide funds; we could attend more if we had more volunteers willing to man the stall. It’s not hard work but it is essential and it gets the word out about the rescue and the important work we all do alongside our everyday activities, and the dogs we help.

Street collections.
Something we are really keen to get into to generate much needed funds and spread the word further. We’ve applied for licences in Cardiff, Whitchurch, Blackwood and Caerphilly but we will need volunteers to man them, we aren’t looking for you to tie up a whole day just two hours and that time is essential part of allowing Four Paws animal rescue to continue.

We bet you have hundreds of them and your shouting at the computer saying what about ... well share them with us. We need the ideas as well events such as Clairvoyant night and Karaoke night are really popular we need people to make them happen. Four Paws needs you.

We bet you have cupboards full of things that we could sell, things that you don’t want or need that people would love to buy. If you haven’t got any time to give us we would LOVE to have these items for our raffles, stalls, auctions and car boot sales. Non-perishable human and dog food and drinks of any description are also high on our lists for tombola’s raffles and stalls. So go on have a search through and find things that will help the dogs that find themselves through no fault of their own, needing our care.

So there are loads of ways you can support us. Which one will you choose!

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